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Lilac thistles and grasses in front of the sea and blue sky.

Ceremonies by Fleur – Creating love-filled Celebrations

Hello and welcome.

I’m Fleur, an independent celebrant, who cares deeply about creating heartfelt ceremonies to celebrate your milestone moments in life through the art of storytelling.  

I love listening to people’s perspectives on life and this inspires me to tell their stories of love, hope, laughter and life with compassion and warmth.

I am fueled by the idea that our stories connect us in love and kindness, and I would love to help you share your story.

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About me and you

I am a caring, calm, and creative person who has over 30 years of experience of working with children of all ages and their families – as a volunteer, as a parent, and as a nursery and primary teacher. What I enjoyed most about my years in education was the chance to meet and work with a huge range of diverse and wonderful people.

For over a decade I specialised in finding solutions to include and support children and their families in school life – whether that was finding interpreters whilst building language skills, accommodating additional support needs, helping them through grief, emotional, or behavioural challenges. 

I believe strongly that everyone has a right to be included, welcomed and celebrated in all of life’s important moments.

I will go out of my way to respectfully listen to what you need and to support you and your family in whatever way works best for you to participate in saying goodbye to a loved one, celebrating the love of a couple or welcoming a new name on your family tree.

As a trained coach, I will guide you to making your own decisions for your ceremony. Fortunately, as an independent celebrant you can choose all the elements that will make this occasion special – whether that’s a stunning castle, a magical forest or glorious beach, or a special poem, or prayer or reading that speaks to your heart.

I am also an experienced presenter and storyteller, who always aims to connect with the audience so the focus for your ceremony will always be sharing the beauty and warmth of your heartfelt stories with your loved ones. 

Fleur smiling by the sea

It’s really about you…

Being a celebrant isn’t all about me,

It’s really about you, and us, and we.

You’ll tell me your ideas, wishes and dreams,

We’ll work together to highlight the themes

that are at the core of your unique life’s story,

perhaps courage or hope, and of love, laughs and glory.

One of my joys is when we make a connection, 

in shared understandings, being seen with affection.

Each person brings the world their talents and light,

and celebrating each one is a true delight.

We all experience love, hope, joy, pain, and grief,

regardless of our outlook, values, or belief.

And as you open a new chapter, if we stand together

we can make the occasion one that you’ll treasure forever.

Being a celebrant is all about you,

It’s really about letting your love shine through.

by Fleur

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As a fully trained, insured, experienced and extremely caring celebrant, I can be relied upon to support and guide you through every step of the process in creating your beautiful ceremony to your share your stories – whether that’s –

  • your love story as a couple – for a wedding, vow renewal or commitment ceremony,
  • your story of hope – for a baby, the adoption of a child, or to reflect your new name and identity,
  • to commemorate the life of a loved one with a funeral, burial, memorial or celebration of life ceremony,
  • or to create a special ceremony any other important milestone in your life.